Dr. Anton Robert Berzins
Anton Robert Berzins, Psy.D., N.C.S.P., Co-Founder and Director for EcuadorPPP, obtained his psychology and history (double major) undergraduate degree from Loyola College in Maryland, masters degree from Teachers College, Columbia University and doctoral degree (bilingual track) from St. John's University. He is a full time, tenured school psychologist within the Great Neck Public School system in Great Neck, New York. In this role, he serves as the Case Manager to the Academic Career Exploration (A.C.E.) and Transition programs which are comprised of students with significant physical, and developmental disabilities. Additionally, he serves as the Case Manager to the English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) program, which is comprised of students from the Middle East, South America, Central America, Europe, and Asia. For over the past decade, Dr. Berzins has spent his summer's working with a variety of schools, hospitals, clinics, community outreach centers, and orphanges in both Costa Rica and Ecuador. Furthermore, he has presented at district-level and national conferences. He has had articles, book reviews, and book chapters published in national psychology journals. His research interests include: school-sports psychology; resiliency; affect (positve and negative); exposure to violence (physical, verbal, sexual); post traumatic stress disorder; gratitude; positive psychology; and multicultural issues in psychology. You can reach Dr. Berzins at: Anton.Berzins@gmail.com
Dr. Berzins’ Publications and Presentations include:
Berzins, A.R. (2016, January). Introduction to Psychology. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. (2015, April). What to ask when you don't know what to say: Working with Students with Special Needs-Part II. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. (2015, March). What to ask when you don't know what to say: Working with Students with Special Needs-Part I. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. (2015, March). ADHD and Executive Functioning: Best Practices and Strategies for Instruction.Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. & Iacovelli, A. (2014, November). Reducing Stress and Anxiety. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. & Raines, T.C. (2014, February). Overcoming the Odds: Resilience in Ecuadorian Youth. Poster presented at the Annual National Convention of NASP in Washington, D.C.
Berzins, A.R. (2014, February). Understanding Developmental Disabilities. Poster presented at Kiwanis Board Meeting in Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. (2013, May). Children of Today. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Olson, J., Nortey, A., Denis, M., Berzins, A., & Raines, T. (2013, May). Ecuador Professional Preparation Program: A Cultural Journey. Retrieved from:
Berzins, A.R., Raines, T.C., Douglas, S., Pommer, M., Nirmal, R., & Ortiz, A. (2012, March). Impact of Cultural Immesion Programs on Practitioners and Graduate Students . Symposium presented at the Annual National Convention of NASP in Seattle, Washington.
Berzins, A.R. (2011, December). Listening: The Forgotten Skill-How to speak and listen effectively. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Fernandez, L,. Raines, T. C., & Berzins, A.R. (2011, August). Reflections on Models of Consultation Used in a Cultural Emersion Program: Ecuador. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.
Berzins, A.R., Raines, T.C., Oakland, T., & Dejud, C. (2011, March). The Influence of Immersion Programs in Creating Culturally Competent Professionals. Symposium presented at the Annual National Convention of NASP in San Francisco, California.
Berzins, A.R. (2010, Novemeber). Problem Solving in the Workplace-Part II. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R., & Raines, T.C., (2010). “The Influence of Cultural Immersion Programs in Creating Culturally Competent Education Professionals. “Book chapter in Educational Policy and Practice: The Good, the Bad and the Pseudoscience Volumes I & II. K. Warnick, P. Warnick, & A. Laffoon (Eds.), New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Berzins, A.R. (2010, November). Problem Solving in the Workplace-Part I. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R., Romero, P., & Raines, T.C. (2010, March). Reflections of and Professional Experiences in Quito, Ecuador. Poster presented at the Annual National Convention of NASP in Chicago, Illinois.
Berzins, A.R. (2009, November). Introduction to Psychology-Part II. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. (2009, Novemeber). Introduction to Psychology-Part I. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. (2008, May). Developing Office Staff Sensitivity to Students with Special Needs. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. (2008, April). Working with Special Needs and At-Risk Students and Families- Part II. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R. (2008, April). Working with Special Needs and At-Risk Students and Families- Part I. Great Neck Public School System. Great Neck, New York.
Berzins, A.R., Raines, T.C., & Romero, P. (2008, March). Ecuadorian Professional Preparation Program: Reflection of Experiences. Poster presented at the Annual National Convention of NASP in Boston, Massachusetts.
Berzins, A.R. (2008, November). Ecuadorian Professional Preparation Program. El Communique: Newspaper of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Berzins, A.R. (2008, March). School Psychology, Sports, and the Role that We Can Play. El Communique: Newspaper of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Berzins, A.R. (2007, November). Book Review of “Mind Race: One Teenagers Account of BiPoloar Disorder.” El Communique: Newspaper of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Berzins, A.R. (2006, June). Costa Rica: Personal and Professional Experiences. El Communique: Newspaper of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Haskins, D.G., Bailey, J. & Berzins, A.R. (2002, August). Professional Developmental Needs of Students of African Descent Attending Predominantly White Institutions. Symposium presented at the 34th Annual International Convention of ABPsi in San Diego, California.