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Dr. Tara C. Raines


Tara Raines, Ph.D., Co-Founder and Program Coordinator, 

is Deputy Director of the Children’s Advocacy Alliance and a Visiting Professor in the Clinical Psychology program at UNLV. She is a former Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Training for the Child, Family, and School Psychology program at University of Denver. Dr. Raines received an undergraduate and M.A. degree in Special Education from Florida State University, a subsequent M.A. and specialist degree in School Psychology from Nova Southeastern University, and she ultimately obtained her Ph.D. in School Psychology from Georgia State University. As a researcher Dr. Raines worked for 6 years on an Institute of Education Sciences grant focusing on establishing the validity and utility of universal screening for behavioral and emotional risk within the Los Angeles Unified School District and multiple school districts in Georgia. She investigates early identification of behavioral and emotional disorders, subsequent interventions and outcomes across different groups. Specifically, as early identification of risk relates to the carcel continuum or school-based pathways to incarceration. Dr. Raines has partnered with the City of Las Vegas on their implementation of My Brother’s Keeper and ReInvent Schools. She is leading the program evaluation and providing technical assistance for participating schools.


In addition to her passion for research, Dr. Raines is also dedicated to the improvement of cultural humility and increase of bilingual practitioners in the fields of mental health and education. In 2008, she developed a Spanish language immersion program specifically for mental health and education professionals, which she hosts annually in Quito, Ecuador. This program offers the opportunity for participants to expand their knowledge of Latin American culture and systems while increasing language proficiency. 


Dr. Raines has received a presidential award from the National Association of School Psychologists for leading a task force to better understand the role and impact of police in schools. She was awarded a presidential citation from Division 16 of the American Psychological Association for her work in promoting anti-racist practices in the field of school psychology. In 2023, Dr. Raines co-authored an article entitled “Integrating Intersectionality, Social Determinants of Health, and Healing: A New Training Framework for School-Based Mental Health” that was given honorable mention for article of the year by School Psychology Review, the flagship publication for the field of school psychology. 


Dr. Raines presents nationally on the fundamentals of cultural humility, promoting healing-centered approaches to school safety, and supporting school partnerships with law enforcement agencies.  

You can reach Dr. Raines at


Dr. Raines’ Publications and Presentations include:

Raines, T.C. & Crumpton H. (In Press) “Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations” In E. Lopez  & S. Proctor (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology. Peer- Reviewed Book Chapter.

Dever, B.V., Raines, T.C. & Dowdy, E. (In Press). “Addressing Disproportionality in Special Education Using a Universal Screening Approach to Referral” Journal of Negro Education.

Dever, B.V, Dowdy, E., Raines, T.C., & Carnazzo, K. (In Press) “Stability and Change of Behavioral and Emotional Screening Scores” Psychology in the Schools

Lau, J., Oh-Young, C. & Raines, T. C. (2015). The Use of Qualtrics in a Higher Education Setting. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2015 (pp. 327-333). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Harrell-Williams, L., Raines, T.C., Kamphaus, R., & Dever, B.  (2015) “Psychometric Analysis of the BASC–2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) Student Form: Results from High School Student Samples.”  Psychological Assessment Brief Report, 27(2), Jun 2015, 738-743.

Raines, T.C., Twyford, J., & Dowdy, E. (2014) “School-wide Assessment with African American Students”  In L. Benuto & B. Leany (Eds.), Guide to Psychological Assessment with African Americans. Book chapter.

Dowdy, E., Furlong, M., Raines, T.C., Bovery, B., Kauffman, B.,Kamphaus, R.W.,  Dever, B.V., Price, M. & Murdock, J. (2014). “Enhancing School-Based Mental Health Services with a Preventative and Promotive Approach to Universal Screening for Complete Mental Health” Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 25, 1-20.

Whisenhunt, J., Chang, C., Flowers, L., Brack, G., O’Hara, C., & Raines, T.C. (2014). Working with clients who self-injure: A grounded theory approach. Journal of Counseling and Development. 92(4), 387-397.

Berzins, A.R. & Raines, T.C. (2014, February). Overcoming the Odds: Resilience in Ecuadorian Youth. Poster presented at the Annual National Convention of NASP in Washington, D.C.

Dever, B.V., Kamphaus, R.W., Dowdy, E., Raines, T.C. & Distefano, C. (2013).

“Surveillance of Middle and High School Mental Health Risk by Student Self-Report Screener” Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 14 (4), 384-390.

Olson, J., Nortey, A., Denis, M., Berzins, A., & Raines, T. (2013, May). Ecuador Professional Preparation Program: A Cultural Journey. Retrieved from:

Dever, B.V., Raines, T.C., & Barclay, C.M.  (2012). Chasing the Unicorn: Practical

Implementation of Universal Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risk. School Psychology Forum. 6(4).

Raines, T. C., Dever, B. V., Kamphaus, R. W., Roach, A. T. (2012) Universal Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risk: A Promising Method for Reducing Disproportionate Placement in Special Education. Journal of Negro Education. 81(3).

Raines, T. C., Dever, B. V., Kamphaus, R. W., Roach, A. T. (2012). Universal Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risk: A Promising Method for Reducing Disproportionate Placement in Special Education. Journal of Negro Education.

Dever, B.V., Raines, T.C., & Barclay, C.M.  (2012). Chasing the Unicorn: Practical Implementation of Universal Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risk. School Psychology Forum.

Berzins, A.R., Raines, T.C., Douglas, S., Pommer, M., Nirmal, R., & Ortiz, A. (2012, February). Impact of Cultural Immesion Programs on Practitioners and Graduate Students . Symposium presented at the Annual National Convention of NASP in Seattle, Washington.

Reynolds, C.R., Kamphaus, R.W., & Raines, T. C. (2011). “Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale (RIAS).” In D. Flanagan & P. Harrison (3rd Ed) (Eds.). Contemporary intellectual assessment (pp. 23-38). New York: The Guilford Press.

Whisenhunt, J., Chang, C., Flowers, L., Brack, G., O’Hara, C., & Raines, T.C.  (2011). Working with clients who self-injure: A grounded theory approach. Journal of Counseling and Development.

Fernandez, L,. Raines, T. C., & Berzins, A.R. (2011, August). Reflections on Models of Consultation Used in a Cultural Emersion Program: Ecuador. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.

Kamphaus, R.W., Dever, B., Raines, T. C., Dowdy, E., & DiStefano, C. (2011, August). Implementation of an Adolescent Behavioral and Emotional Risk Surveillance Protocol in Schools. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D. C.

Berzins, A., Raines, T.C., Oakland, T., & Dejud, C (2011, February). The Influence of Cultural Immersion Programs on Cultural Competence.  Symposium presented at the Annual Convention of National Association of School Psychologists in San Francisco, Ca

Mays, K., Raines, T.C., & Dever, B (2011, February). Universal Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risks in Schools.  Mini-Skills presented at the Annual Convention of National Association of School Psychologists in San Francisco, Ca.

Raines, T.C., Crumpler, Y.M, Smith, O. W. & Torres-Villa, M.S. (2011, February). Development of Bilingual Endorsement for School Psychologists in Georgia, Participant Information Exchange/Poster presentation presented at the Annual Convention of National Association of School Psychologists in San Francisco, Ca.

Kamphaus, R. W. & Raines, T.C., (2010). “Comorbidity and Cumulative Effects of Inattention, Poor Emotional Control, and Language Problems on Academic Achievement in Early Childhood”. Book chapter inComprehensive Evaluations: Case Reports for Psychologists, Diagnosticians, and Special Educators. N. Mather & L. Jaffe (Eds.),  New Jersey: Wiley & Sons Publishers.

Raines, T.C. & Reynolds, C. R., (2010). “Re-establishing Eligibility and Re-evaluation Post Natural Disaster”. Book chapter in Comprehensive Evaluations: Case Reports for Psychologists, Diagnosticians, and Special Educators. N. Mather & L. Jaffe (Eds.),  New Jersey: Wiley & Sons Publishers.

Berzins, A.R., & Raines, T.C., (2010). “The Influence of Cultural Immersion Programs in Creating Culturally Competent Education Professionals. “Book chapter in Educational Policy and Practice: The Good, the Bad and the Pseudoscience Volumes I & II. K. Warnick, P. Warnick, & A. Laffoon (Eds.), New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Flowers, L, Whisenhunt, J., Grubbs, N., Raines, T.C., Shelton, L., Lokesmoe, K., Kargar, N., Dispenza, F., & Brack, G. L. (2010, October). Posttraumatic Growth with Counselors in Training. Paper presented at Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Williamsburg, VA.

 Raines, T.C., Juechter, J, Mays, K., & Robertson, A (2010, March). Screening for Children at Risk forBehavioral and Emotional Problems.  Poster presented at the Annual Convention of National Association of School Psychologists in Chicago, Il.

Berzins, A.R., Romero, P., & Raines, T.C. (2010, March). Reflections of and Professional Experiences in Quito, Ecuador. Poster presented at the Annual National Convention of NASP in Chicago, Illinois.

Ortiz, A, Guimares, M., & Raines, T.C. (2009, August). Pre-Kindergarten Screener Emphasizing a Response-to-Intervention Approach in Ecuador. Paper presented at the Annual National Convention of American Psychological Association in Boston, Massachusetts.

Berzins, A.R., Raines, T.C., & Romero, P. (2009, February). Ecuadorian Professional Preparation Program: Reflection of Experiences. Poster presented at the 40th Annual National Convention of National Association of School Psychologists in Boston, Massachusetts.

Raines, T.C., Torres-Villa, M., Robertson, A., & Edge, A. (2008, May). English Language Learners in Gwinnett County Schools  Professional development presentation presented to Gwinnett County Public Schools Psychological Services in Suwanee, Ga.

Raines, T.C., Torres-Villa, M., Smith, O, & Beneford, J. (2007, May). Reaching our Diverse Learners  Professional development presentation presented to Gwinnett County Public Schools Psychological Services in Suwanee, Ga.

Oakland, T., & Raines, T.C. (2005, October). Perceptions of the role of the school psychology in Costa Rica. Symposium presented at the annual convention of FASP in Hollywood, Florida.

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